Recipe Source: Anne Cobbett, The English Housekeeper, or Manual of Domestic Management (London, England, 1835)
Recipe Source: A redaction from a variety of historic recipes.
Recipe Source: Mary Randolph, The Virginia Housewife, 1824
Recipe Sources: Soup a la Crécy recipes date back centuries. I used these two recipes to make my redaction:
Mrs. Beeton's Household Management, London, 1861
Consolidated Library of Modern Cookery and Household Recipes, vol. iii by Christine Terhune Herrick, New York: 1904.
Recipe Source: John Nott's, The Cook's and Confectioner's Dictionary: Or, the Accomplish'd Housewife's Companion published in 1723 in London by C. Rivington.
John Nott was the cook to His Grace the Duke of Bolton.
Recipe Source: Estelle Woods Wilcox, Buckeye Cookery (Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1877),
Recipe Source: A Plain Cookery Book of the Working Classes by Charles E. Francatelli (London, 1852 edition reprinted in 1978).
Recipe Source: The Opera by Bartolomeo Scappi (1570), The Art and Craft of a Master Chef, Translated with Commentary by Terence Scully, University of Toronto Press, 2008.
Recipe Source: Agnes Marshall, Mrs. A.B. Marshall's Larger Cookery Book of Extra Recipes (London, 1902)
Recipe Source: Ouverture de Cuisine or Opening the Kitchen by Lancelot de Casteau (Liege, France, 1604)
Recipe Source: Mason, Charlotte, The Lady's Assistant for …Complete System of Cookery (London, 1777)
Recipe Source: Foods of the Foreign Born in Relation to Health by Bertha M. Wood, Boston: 1922
Recipe Source: Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963)
Recipe Source: Martha Washington’s Book of Cookery, edited by Karen Hess (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995)
Recipe Source: The c.1824 Manuscript Receipt Book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore, located at the H.Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Center for History and Culture
Recipe Source: The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse, 1747
Recipe Source: Court Cookery, or the Compleat English Cook by R. Smith (cook to King William and the Duke of Buckinghamshire), London, 1725.
Recipe Source: a c.1848 recipe from Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963)