Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
(Summer 2021 Article for Outlook by the Bay Magazine by Joyce White
Recipe Source: A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewoman, Or, the Art of Preseruing, Conseruing, and Candying printed in 1608 for Arthur Iohnson, dvvelling neere the great north dore of Pauls, 1608 in London.
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: A redaction based on many historic recipes.
Recipe Source: The Kentucky Housewife by Lettice Bryan (1839)
Recipe Source: The Great War Cook Book, From Trench Pudding to Carrot Marmalade by May Myron, c. 1915 (Published in 2014 by Amberley Publishing with an Introduction by Eleri Pipien)
Recipe Source:Buckeye Cookery by Estelle Woods Wilcox. Minneapolis: 1877.
Recipe Source: Miss Leslie's Directions for Cookery by Eliza Leslie (Philadelphia, 1851 ed.)