Recipe Source: Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963)
Article in Outlook by the Bay Magazine, Holiday, 2019 Edition, p.44, with 19th c. Rcipe
Chesapeake Family Magazine Article
December 5, 2019
Recipe Source: Aunt Babette's" Cook Book: Foreign and domestic receipts for the household: A vaulable collection of receipts and hints for the housewife, many of which are not to be found elsewhere., by "Aunt Babette", Cincinnati: Block Pub. and Print Co., 1889.
Recipe Source: Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963)
Submitted by Evelyn Green Bowers, Jonas Green House, Annapolis
Recipe Source: Manuscript recipe by Martha Washington's granddaughter, Martha Parke Custis (Washington's Mount Vernon)
by Christina Tkacik, Capital Gazette, Annapolis, MD (December 14, 2021)
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: American Cookery by Amelia Simmons (1796), the first cookbook published in America by an American.
Recipe Sources:Hand-Book of Practical Cookery by Pierre Blot. New York: 1884 and The Boston Cooking School Cook Book by Fannie Merritt Farmer. Boston, 1896.
Recipe Source: Two 15th c. Cookery-Books by Thomas Austin, 1888 which is based on several period English manuscripts, most notably Harleian MS. 279 and Harleian MS. 4016, both circa 1425-1450:
Recipe Source: John Townshend, The Universal Cook, or Lady’s Complete Assistant (London, England, 1773)
Recipe Source: The c.1824 Baltimore manuscript journal of Ann Maria Morris.
Recipe Source:Sarah Josepha Hale (THE "MOTHER" OF THANKSGIVING), The Good Housekeeper, Boston, 1841
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: Maryland’s Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963)
Source: Mrs. John C. Plews, Anne Arundel County
Recipe Source: Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis 1963)
Source: Mrs. Carroll Alden, Taney Avenue, Annapolis
Recipe Source: Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963); Submitted by Amelia Pinkeney D. Lurman, Harford County
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: Miss Ann Chase's Book (Annapolis,1811) as printed in Maryland's Way, the Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, 1963)