Recipe Source: The writings of two 16th century Spaniards in Mexico: Franciscan Friar, Bernardino de Sahagún and Francisco Hernandez, royal physician and a naturalist.
Recipe Source: The 17th century writings of Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, an Andalusian physician.
Recipe Source: The c.1674 manuscript receipt book of Penelope Jephson in the collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Recipe Source: Santiago de Valverde Turices, Un Discurso del Chocolat, 1624.
Recipe Source: John Shirley, The Accomplshed Ladies Rich Closet of Rarities, or the Ingenious Gentlewoman’s and Servant Maid’s Delightful Companion (London 1690)
Recipe Source: The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, a new edition with modern improvements (London, 1805)
Recipe Source: Mrs. Mary Eales (Confectioner to her late Majesty Queen Anne),
Mrs. Mary Eales’s Receipts. London: J. Brindley, 1733.
Recipe Source: English translation of Menon’s French cookbook by a clerk of the kitchen in noble families in this Kingdom (UK), Les Soupers de la Cour, ou, La Cuisine Reformess; The Art of Modern Cookery Displayed (London publication, 1767)
Recipe Source: B. Clermont, The Professed Cook, or the Modern Art of Cookery, Pastry & Confectionary Made Plain and Easy, 1812
Recipe Source: Ruth Wakefield’s Toll House Tried and True Recipes, 1941
Recipe Source: Maryland's Way, The Hammond-Harwood House Cook Book (Annapolis, MD, 1963)
Recipe Source: Patrick Lamb, Esq., Royal Cookery or The Compleat Court Cook, London, 1731.
Recipe Source: Eliza Leslie,
The Lady’s Receipt Book, 1847
Recipe Source: Lowney's Cook Book, Illustrated in Colors by Maria Willett Howard, 1912
Recipe Source: Thomas Hurtado (a Spanish Catholic priest), Chocolate y Tabaco Ayuno Eclesiastico y Natural, 1645.
Recipe Source: Eliza Smith, The Compleat Housewife (printed in 1742 by William Parks, Williamsburg, VA)
Recipe source: :The United States Regional Cook Book, edited by Ruth Berolzheimer, 1947.
Recipe Source: Lowney's Cook Book, Illustrated in Colors by Maria Willett Howard, 1912
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Recipe Source: The 19th century manuscript receipt (recipe) book of Ann Maria Morris, Baltimore located at the H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society
Outlook by the Bay Article (Winter, 2020), p.5